How to improve retail sales with some tablets and an MDM tool?

According to Statista, since the Covid-19 crisis, online shopping has strongly increased, to nearly 20% of worldwide sales. This means that there are still 80% of purchases that are made in-store. To keep appealing customers in-store and to compete with digital pure players as Amazon, it is important to digitize its points of sale, and doing so, to keep a full control over used tools. But how to digitize them?

The installation of digital screens enables the display of content at the entrance of the shop to attract visitors inside. Display of new products or latest promotions. Inside the shop, a digital screen can also be used to provide news about the brand, to inform clients about the waiting time at the checkout or to highlight new products in videos.

Once the client has finished his journey in the shop, it’s interesting to invite him to give a feedback. However, many will not necessarily give their honest opinion during a discussion. That’s why customer feedback tablets are ideal. They are eye-catching and they enable quick customer review, in order to improve the service.

retail sales mdm

It is important to remember that buying an Android digital screen or tablet without purchasing a centralized management system to manage it, is a waste of time and a potential risk. Indeed, to be able to push the install of specific content on a device, setting up a single kiosk mode is mandatory to display only one information at a time. TinyMDM, a software dedicated to the management of Android mobile devices, makes it possible to delete the sleep mode of a digital screen, or to choose which content to permanently display on the device. For the maintenance of a device, thanks to a MDM solution, there is no need to send a technician. The remote control sessions can be made from the software. It saves time and money for the enterprise.

Why do so many customers continue to go on-store for their shopping rather than online? Because they are looking for human contact and advice that they will not find if they make online purchases. That’s why it is essential in 2022 to provide each sales member with a managed touchscreen tablet. By installing a MDM software on a device and limiting access to the enterprise approved apps only (company’s CRM to find out the purchase history or update customer information, stock management software, quote creation software, detailed product sheets, products brochure…) and by forbidding all the unnecessary applications, the productivity of the sale member will increase and the customer satisfaction will be doubled. Moreover, thanks to its Android terminal, the vendor can ask for a product to be back in stock or place an order for the client that will receive it directly at home.

retail sales mdm

However, do not give away tablets that can be used for purposes not linked to the shop. Setting up a console to manage those remote tablets is mandatory to configure the device depending on the needs. On this dashboard, the company will enable the kiosk mode, where the client will only have access to the applications or files previously approved by the enterprise, as listed above. Impossible for a consumer to modify settings, take screenshots or install malware applications from the Play Store.

The deployment of managed tablets in-store doesn’t reduce the human contact, but provides added value for the shop. It means that it adapts itself to its different clients needs.