What is the link between users and devices on the TinyMDM administration console?
Users and Devices are divided into two different tabs on TinyMDM because they don’t have the same features. However, they are linked to each other and that comes from the way Google’s services work.
1. What is the purpose of the Users tab?
Users represent the people or services that interact with the devices. A User card on the administration console displays information such as the name chosen as the user name (this can be a first name but also a location, a room, an event, etc.), the user’s unique identifier on TinyMDM, the QR code used to enroll the associated device, and the related policy.
From the Users tab, the administrator creates users, links them to the desired policies and then enrolls the associated devices. Also from this tab, the administrator can classify a user in a group to simplify the management of several similar users.
2. What is the purpose of the Devices tab?
A Device card displays a detailed description of the enrolled device (model, brand, Android version, TinyMDM version, SSAID, Device ID, etc.). The actions that can be carried out from the Devices tab are all directly linked to the device being managed, and vary according to the management mode used (BYOD, COBO, COSU, WPCO): screen lock, password management, geolocation, sending messages, reset, etc.

3. What is the link between users and devices?
- The administrator creates the user cards: manually, via the enrollment in a row, CSV file import or Microsoft Azure synchronisation.
- When enrolling a new device, the administrator must scan the QR code (or add the token) on the user’s card. They can also send an email to the end user to enroll the device themselves, or simplify this step by using ZTE or KME enrolment. In all these scenarios, when enrolling a new device, the administrator automatically creates the corresponding device card, without any further action. The link between the two is made at the time of enrollment.
- It is the User that acts as the link between the desired policy and the device itself, since it is on the User card that you define which policy to apply.
- In terms of policy, it is possible to manage advanced configurations on some policies. Some of these advanced configurations are based on information previously entered by Users (email address or personalized field, for example), which will then be applied to devices.
- It is possible to filter the view of managers according to the access and authorisations they have. A manager may be able to see Group A but not Group B. In this case, all Group B users will be hidden from them, as will all devices linked to Group B users.