Change my TinyMDM subscription

With TinyMDM, your bill is based on the number of devices in your account, meaning you only pay for what you’re using. You can modify your TinyMDM subscription and add additional devices at any time and only pay a prorated fee.

From your TinyMDM dashboard:

  • Go to the My Account tab
  • Click on Modify my subscription
  • Check your business info and click on Next
  • Under “Quantity of devices to add or remove”, type in the number of devices you want to add

For example here with a Classic subscription: if you subscribe on the 13th of August 2021 and enroll 45 devices, you will be charged 615.6€ (40% discount) for a year, until the 13th of August 2022. If you want to add 50 devices before your renewal, type in 50. Just in front, you will see “Devices = 95 Devices in total”. It is the total number of devices you will have once you will validate your request. You will only pay a prorated fee (438.6€) for those 50 devices until your next bill: “addition of 50 devices for 234 days”. Find out more about TinyMDM’s price plans here.

modify my subscription product choice
modify my subscription product choice

From your TinyMDM dashboard:

  • Go to the My Account tab
  • Click on Modify my subscription
  • Check your business info and click on Next
  • Under “Quantity of devices to add or remove”, type in the – sign, followed by the number of devices you want to remove

For example here: in front of the number of devices typed, it is written “Devices = 29 Devices in total”, which means you will have 29 devices on your console at the next renewal. Moreover, on the green part, you can see that you currently have 45 devices on your console and that you will have 16 fewer devices at the renewal, on the 13th of August 2022. Find out more about TinyMDM’s price plans here.

From your TinyMDM dashboard:

  • Go to the My Account tab
  • Click on Modify my subscription
  • Check your business info and click on Next
  • On Step 2/3, click on your current subscription and a drop down list will appear. – Choose the formula you want to use: CLASSIC or FLEXIBLE.
  • Once the formula selected, if you don’t want to modify your number of devices or payment method, click on Next.
  • On the page Step 3/3, click on Submit.
modify my subscription product choice

Your subscription will be updated at your next renewal.