How to export a list of devices from TinyMDM?
From TinyMDM, you can export your enroll/how-to/enroll-company-owned-device/ed devices in PDF, CSV or JSON format.
1.Click on the Devices tab of your account and select the devices. If you want to export a list of all devices, click on Select all.
2. Click on the menu in the blue bar and select the export format you want: PDF, JSON or CSV.
3. Once you clicked on Export as CSV, PDF or JSON, your file will automatically be downloaded on your computer.
a. PDF file
This export contains the following information: Name, Nickname, User name, Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, Group name, ID, IMEI, ICCID, Serial number, SSAID, Manufacturer, OS, TinyMDM version
b. JSON file
c. CSV file
This export contains the following information: Name, Nickname, User name, User email, Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, Group name, Entity, ID, IMEI, ICCID, Serial number, SSAID, Build ID, Manufacturer, OS, TinyMDM version, Phone number, Wifi SSID, MAC Adress, IP router, IP local, Synchronisation date (UTC), Creation date (UTC)