Chrome proxy settings configuration

The managed configuration of Chrome is a bit buggy at the moment on the Proxy topic, this is why we suggest you follow this tutorial instead. After you logged in to your TinyMDM account:

  1. From your TinyMDM account, do to the Policies tab and edit the policy of your choice
  2.  In the Apps management section, find Chrome and go to its managed configuration (δΈ‰ icon, then Configuration).
  3. Find the Proxy settings field and copy and paste a Json into it to override individual (and buggy) Chrome settings. Below are two examples to paste (one or the other):
"ProxyMode": "pac_script",
"ProxyPacUrl": "https://example/proxy.pac",


"ProxyMode": "fixed_servers",
"ProxyServer": "",
"ProxyBypassList": ",",
chrome proxy settings

You can find Google specification here.

Note: You can then check which settings have been taken into account by typing the URL chrome://policy from the device.