Customer Success Story: Blackdog Institute

The Black Dog Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan. Its aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone. They integrate research studies, education programs, digital tools and apps, clinical services, and public resources to discover new solutions, foster connections and create real-world change.

The Future Proofing Study is a five year school-based research project looking at how digital technologies can help prevent the onset of mental illness, working with 10,000 teenagers in over 150 schools. Supporting a study of this scale takes an army of community volunteers. Volunteers play a key role by going into schools to sign students up and collect questionnaire data at regular points.

As a not-for-profit organisation working with public funding, Black Dog Institute is always looking for ways to increase its reach while getting the most out of the resources they have. For them, TinyMDM offered the right balance between features and cost. Three aspects stood out when they chose TinyMDM to manage their devices:

“We’ve found the TinyMDM team extremely responsive to queries about platform features as well as helping us work through deployments to manufacturer-specific flavours of Android when we’ve encountered issues. Regular feature updates have continued to add value throughout our time as a customer. We’d have no hesitation recommending TinyMDM to any other third sector organisation looking for an MDM solution.”