Android or iOS: what to choose for your business

How to choose between a fleet of Android or iOS mobile devices?

The choice of mobile operating system for a corporate mobile fleet is a key decision that influences management, security and employee productivity. Two main ecosystems dominate the market: Android and iOS, each offering distinct advantages in terms of features, administration and cost. While iOS seduces with its closed ecosystem, Android stands out for its flexibility and device diversity. Faced with these options, companies need to evaluate a number of criteria, such as compatibility with their tools, ease of device management and type of devices they are looking for, in order to make a choice suited to their needs.

The Android ecosystem is vast, offering a wide variety of devices at different prices, tailored to the needs and budgets of businesses. Unlike Apple, which offers a limited number of premium models, Android offers a diversity of devices to suit all uses and budgets: smartphones, tablets, rugged devices from multiple brands.

Companies developing or using private applications need to manage their deployment safely. Android and iOS offer different solutions for distributing and managing private applications.

Android allows companies to create a private Play Store with their own applications. With it, companies can easily distribute their in-house apps and install them via APKs. At the opposite, iOS imposes strict restrictions: in-house apps must go through Apple Business Manager or be signed via the Enterprise program, with the risk of revocation in the event of non-compliance. Overall, Android offers more flexible and practical management for businesses.

Android appears as a more flexible, cost-effective and adaptable solution for business needs. Its open ecosystem, wide range of devices and freedom in application development make it an excellent choice for deploying a high-performance, optimized mobile fleet.